SNJ Grow India Foundation

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop human resources to discover and disseminate computer knowledge to extend computer knowledge and its application beyond the boundaries of the SNJ Grow India Foundation a Non Profit Voluntary Organization. It has been established for providing a right platform of quality education with affordable fee in computer and Information technology education. Inherent in this broad mission are extended education and public service designed to educate people and improve the human condition.

SNJ Grow India Foundation

Our Vision

“Under SNJ Grow India Foundation, trainees with prior experience or skills and competencies will be assessed . This will be an important step towards recognizing the skills possessed by workers working in the informal sector and their inclusion. This will also facilitate the process of skill upgradation and re-skilling of the existing workforce. The focus of SNJ Grow India Foundation would be on those job-roles/sectors in which it is most desired and it will be accompanied with a strong advocacy campaign to promote a paradigm shift in the labour market to make skill training to standards aspirational.”